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Auto Services has 12 listings
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2015 Lexus CT 200h Hatchback 4D
Good driving car, and comfortable to drive in. Feel safe. Smooth ride. This compact is very reliable...
Gray 2015 Suziki Grand Vitara
Still in great condition. Regularly maintained by quality mechanic.
2020 Volkswagen Golf GTI SE Hatchback 4D
Good driving car, and comfortable to drive in. Feel safe. Smooth ride. This compact is very reliable...
2019 Suzuki Swift GLX CVT
My trust vehicle is looking for a new owner. Still runs well. Maintained regularly. Everything worki...
2020 Mitsubishi Outlander SEL
Outlander PHEV SEL, 4D Sport Utility, 2.0L 4-Cylinder DOHC MIVEC, 1-Speed Automatic, 4WD, Red, Black...
2020 Mercedes-Benz GLB
Meticulously maintained and low mileage gives you a great late-model pre-owned car at an even better...
2015 Mercedes Mini Bus
This mini bus is very reliable. Upholstery is in great condition. It has been well maintained and se...
2023 Kia Sportage X-Line Hardly Driven
Lovely looking blue crossover. Drives like a dream. Must come sit behind the steering wheel. Call us...
2022 Ford Escape SE
Well kept and serviced. Owned by one owner only. Accident free. Still looks good on the yes and work...
2018 Toyota Hilux Everything Works Well
This car has recently been refurbished. AC is very cold. New tires. Engine serviced and clean. Minor...
2018 Toyota Tundra SR5
Mint condition silver pickup. I'm leaving the country for a new job overseas. Need to sell ASAP. Loo...
2016 Ford F-150 White
This car has recently been refurbished. AC is very cold. New tires. Engine serviced and clean. Minor...
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